Monday, May 31, 2010

Our first night of camping (in the backyard)

I decided that last night was a good time to go “camping” with the boys since Memorial Day was a day off for everyone. Daddy got out our camping gear from the garage (for the first time since 2004 (before kids!)) I had heard we were supposed to get some rain so thought we’d just put the tent UNDER the pop-up gazebo. The gazebo has one removable wall that we’ve kept up and positioned it to deflect the morning sun. I laid out the tent but we were missing the poles! Finally after some digging daddy found them up in the garage so we were OK to do this.

We really started out late, our day was kinda crazy. Jim was trying to finish up the shelves in Joey’s room and only got one support arm for the “desk” so he’ll have to fix that today. Joey wanted, all day, to go play with the neighbor kids. At one point I was going to maybe let him after I talked to/met their parents. I’ve had major reservations about letting him play with these kids because they always seem to be totally unsupervised. So about 11am I walked him over to ask the kids if he could play with them. Keep in mind he’s not 5yrs old yet. The little girl two houses down is 6, just finishing Kindergarten. She has a younger brother but he wasn’t out today??? Two houses down from there is a girl and her older brother, they are 8 and 9 consecutively. We were in front of their house so I asked them if their mom was home and the girl said yes but she’s sleeping! WTF? Are you kidding me? Now my reservations are that much worse. Now try keeping Joey happy when all he wants is to play with these older kids  Poor Joey and poor mommy!

I got the kids down for naps and we all slept late, ruined the whole afternoon. After getting the tent up I could make dinner and by that time it was after 6pm. We didn’t eat until after 7pm and all we had were burgers, hot dogs, grilled asparagus, corn on the cob and chips. Then we had to find the boys air beds and the pump, an extension cord to turn the pump on. Pump up the beds and find and put up the pack n play. Pull out Jackson’s bouncy seat that lies relatively flat and find room for all that. Make the beds, bring out linens and snacks. Daddy took out the computer so the boys could watch a movie but the computer was not working for him. He took over making (burning) the popcorn and I fixed the computer. We got everyone in and it’s hotter than Hades in here. The mosquitoes are horrible OMG!

Joshy’s air mattress isn’t holding air, Jon wants nothing to do with the pack n play and Jackson is ticked off that I woke him to bring him out here.

Finally, Joshy passed out and I turned the movie off. Jon had a fit and wouldn’t stop so he got put in the house into his crib. Jackson was quiet for a little bit then started fussing so he got taken in and put in his crib. So I sent daddy to sleep in the nice cool house and I’m out with two sleeping angels. Luckily for me the temperature went down, a cool breeze would still be really nice.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A day in our life

Jonny ready for bed. He's been quiet today so no "cool" pictures of him. He's such a good boy when he's not copying Joshy's bad behavior!

Faker Joey wanted his picture taken while sleeping! LOL

Jim just threw all the stuff back up there I'll have to rearrange it MY way. You see how the shelves butt up against each other? The shelf that is the desk is the one that will go on the yellow wall.

 Looking at it from Joey and Jonny's bed.

The view of his room now from the door way. The table had to go as it didn't allow for a full sheet of a 8x11" paper to lay flat. I originally thought to buy a Toy Story table and chairs but instead we did this shelf/desk.

Joey's temporary desk. We've been putting these shelves up with a thought and as we go I get more and more ideas. Jim wanted to butt the adjacent shelves together for more surface area. I thought of in the future having a larger shelf lower to act like a desk. Jim liked the idea so much he got this temporary one up today. We need two more shelves, I want the "desk" to be 16" deep and then another shelf, probably 10" deep a bit higher for Joey's desk use. When it's all done it's going to be so cute. I'm still working on where exactly to put the magnetic strips so I can get his stuff hung up.

On Joey's bed, trying his hardest to get those books out to read!

Jackson reading "Five Wishing Stars"

Joey's actually got a small wrench there and is attempting to tighten the hex screws!

While I was shopping this was Joey helping daddy put up the track for more shelves on the
adjacent wall.

Joshy's nap. We were waiting for daddy and Joey to get home so Josh and I could go to the grocery store. Two minutes of Toy Story 2 and this is what happened.

This would be Joshy's sandal up on top of my curtains! How the heck??
Daddy and Joey got home, daddy made some nuggets and this is what you find in the middle of eating...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Am I over doing it?

I’m trying to keep Joey really busy this summer. He is a bad instigator with the other boys. He’s a GREAT kid, he’s just a bad trigger for Joshy and I don’t know why! Hopefully we’ll get some answers about that in July but that’s a whole other post.

So, Joey was invited to do swim lessons with Kasia. Auntie Ti-Ti offered to get him there and home on days that Jim’s not around to care for the other boys. So Joey will be swimming on the Kenosha Barracuda Feeder Team. Their summer session is just 6x either 2x weekly or once a week for 6 weeks. 45 mins each time.

I signed him up for T-ball with the CYC. That starts the day before his birthday and is 2x weekly for 5 weeks then I’m sure I’ll be finding something else to do either from July-Aug or Aug-whenever. I think we need to do soccer again this year, get use out of the soccer equipment I bought him last fall.

Also starting in June is summer school, the getting ready for Kindergarten program and that goes for 5 or 6 weeks as well.

Then there is the summer safety class 2hrs a day for 1 week.

Play dates as I can schedule them, 5yr check up and dentist in June.

All during this time I’m going to be working with him on his Kindergarten stuff too. We’re reading at least 3 books a day plus part of a chapter book if we’re not too late at night.

The 3 older boys really love for me to read the books to them. I set up their 3 chairs in front of me and I sit on the corner of Joey’s bed and hold the book so they can see it. They just LOVE it and so do I.

I’m hoping that August is pretty clear for us. I do want to take them down to the Day out with Thomas event. I was hoping to do it last year but we didn’t make it.

Then, September 1, 2010 Joey starts Kindergarten. He’ll be gone from 8am-3pm M,T,Th,F and 8am-2pm on Wednesdays.

September 7th Joshy starts preschool…

This summer is just going to fly right by. Guess I better get used to it. Though I know it means we’re all going to age that much faster :(

Another pretty good one from Anita :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Matthew West - Save A Place For Me

My cousin Melissa picked out this song for her grandma, my auntie's funeral. I dedicate this to my beloved auntie whom I miss more than I ever thought possible. I think about her every single day. Seriously every day there is something that triggers me. Usually it's in my kitchen and related to food! She LOVED to cook and was so very good at it. I think it was her pure heart and soul that she put into her cooking that made it taste so good. You could just see and taste the time, effort and love she put into that dish or meal. Being the end of Spring planting/plants/new growth triggers me too, she had one outrageously GREEN THUMB! I bought my boys a strawberry and black berry plant tonight (the blackberry is for pollination). I haven't ever planted a berry plant before. I know some need to be staked and some need to be contained (I think strawberries will take over if you're not careful) and it would be so much easier to just call my auntie and ask her what and how and where and when and why. I think about how she's gone just too soon. Too young. Her mother, my grandmother, was even younger. Grandma Betty was only 33 due to a car accident and poor medical knowledge back in the 50's. Does this mean that genetically I'm going to die too young too? Grandma was young when she had Patty, Patty was young when she had her sons. I am older and I can't imagine leaving my boys anytime in the distant future. Leaving them before I see them settled into their lives with careers and spouses and maybe even some kids would be totally unacceptable. Grandma missed all that with her 3 kids, Patty was around long enough to see her 3 grandchildren into their adulthood (Thank you God for at least that much, her life was full in her 69yrs). Where will that leave me? What I wouldn't give to kiss her one more time. To hug her tightly and tell her I love her. To hear her tell me she loves me. Still brings me to tears...
In loving memory of Patricia Mae Smith
July 1, 1940-March 15, 2010

Can you name that baby?

I'll give you the answers later :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yesterday sucked, Today was awesome!

Yesterday, Joshy started out the day a PITA and ended it that way too. I was supposed to have a colonoscopy today but the prep for last night was horrible DISGUSTING and I just could not get it down and quit. I was nauseous all night long. That is why my day sucked. It may sound mild but I'm down playing because I'd much rather dwell on today! :)

Due to my being so nauseous last night I managed to fall asleep early thus got up early this morning. Strangly I had a craving for McDonald's breakfast so I got the kids dressed and out the door about 9am (usually unheard of unless absolutely necessary). We went to breakfast and I actually took them inside! We usually eat in the car where they're stuck in one spot! LOL

After breakfast we went to the dollar store. I wanted a few more things for Joey's room for both Joey and Joshy. I found a bunch of things from flash cards to word strips, alphabet and number posters, manuscript pads and much more. As I was leaving I was thinking about the flash cards. I had some here at home too and they're already a problem where the kids, read: JON, get into them, mix them up and tear and bend them. Last night I'd thought about a plastic holder like the box they come in but I don't quite know if they make those or not... I still need the magnetic strips for hanging his stuff so lets go to The Container Store! There isn't one anywhere near me so I had to travel about 40-45mins South of me. While there I found the most perfect holder for the numerous flashcards I have. It works great! I might need another one in the near future. Here are the magnetic strips, the smaller ones were actually cheaper than the ones 2x that size so I was able to get more so I can put them in more places! I have to get some magnetic clips now as the little magnets that come with the strips are not to be used with little kids. Major major hazzard.

I wanted a big plastic box for the art projects and papers that Joey brings home from Kindergarten and settled on this box.

We have a real problem with the boys getting into their DVD's. We've put them on the shelves in the living room but they have so many it's just not working out. While they're out of reach, they still try to climb up there and get them and when they can't reach them, they instead get into other things that are up on the shelves. So I saw this and fell in love with it! And I ended up getting this small multipurpose holder for the softcover workbooks and teaching books that I have.

I have to say too, for anyone who's never gone to The Container Store, they are just awesomely helpful. A nice man helped me find the plastic box for Joey's stuff and then the lady, whom checked us out, helped me with the kids, she was concerned that the people drive too fast in front of the store and with 4 little boys I had my hands full! So she walked me out with the boys then told me to drive up and she'd bring out my stuff curb side. Well before I could get the boys all buckled in she was coming out with my things and delivered them to me at my car! What awesome customer service! They've always been wonderful but today was the best service yet!

We got home and Jim got home soon after. I'd tried in vain to get the boys down for naps so when Jim wanted to take the grass clipings to the compost dump I decided we'd go with him. After the dump we went to Walmart to find me some new sandles. We didn't find any there but got two curtain rods (in solid white) for Joey's room. I didn't like their selection of drapes so I said I'd check at Shopko. The boys were acting up, they'd had enough of shopping I think, so I was just going to go home but Jim wanted to go now! We did and they had a great sale going on. They didn't have 6 of the blue so we got 4 blue and 2 sage green so the room is just full of color now!

I also cleaned out the closet and got it looking much better. It doesn't have any doors on it, never did, Jim bought the house without any closet doors in this room! I was able to put the easel in the closet along with that folding chair. I set up the white board where it's going to be hung but we still are going to get a 3rd shelf up there. Jon got a Toy Story saucer chair for his birthday so I put that in there also. See the nice mural on the door there? That's why EVERYTHING in that room is washable!

While we were putting up the curtains and cleaning Joey was putting up his own posters with his glue stick! One piece of paper he put up was blank and I told him he needs to draw a picture first then put it up. He got down, got a marker and climbed back up onto of the chest of drawers. He said, "I'm going to write yours and my name." He continues with, "M-O-M."  I was just floored! He did it all on his own! He didn't ask me or anything, this is HUGE for him. Some people might be able to say their 4yr olds spell a whole bunch of words but Joey is so behind in this stuff because of his speech issue that aside from being able to spell JOEY, this is his first word! I know how he learned it too. One day he says to me, "hi, my name is J-O-E-Y." I responded with, "well hello J-O-E-Y my name is M-O-M, nice to meet you." We kept that up for a bit and then he stopped like just all of a sudden he forgot. I reminded him  how to spell mom and he didn't get it anymore so we gave up. Apparently he did "lock in it his brain" as he likes to put it!

Then, the best of the day. OMG I was so excited you wouldn't believe it. I have wanted square dishes for like, EVER!! However, they've been too expensive for me to splurge on when I don't need them. Well Jim always looks for then when we pass by while shopping. He saw some open stock ones at Walmart but they were too expensive once you put it all together. So he's looking at Shopko and found these!! In the store the place setting for 4 was only $29.99 on clearance so while I could at best hope for a 8 place setting in the future I was able to get a 12 place setting for LESS than what one 4 place setting would have cost at full price, today! When we got home, my arm was killing me, I must have pulled a muscle or something yet don't know how or when I did it so Jim cleaned up the kitchen for me, unpacked the dishes and have it all ready for me to clear out the cabinet and put them away! I think he's maybe more excited about these than I am!  LOL

Monday, May 24, 2010

Joey/Brother of the week Room makeover update

At first I put Joey's room then thought, no, he's got a brother in there, Jon. However it's not going to be Jon's room for much longer before he and Jack flip so is it Joey and Jon's room or Joey and Jack's room? Ok well flavor of the week is what is easiest at this point!! LOL

Anyways, Jim got the shelves up tonight!! They look great. He's got them butted up to the adjacent wall and brought up how we can put shelves up on that wall and abutt shelves together in a "L" shape and really utilize that corner space! I'm super excited about that. Might do it sooner than I'd originally would have thought.

Next steps, curtain's and bedding. I also need to come up with a way to cover part of the shelving hardware. It's got like a curtain up at the top. The brackets hang off of it. It's really an eyesore so what to do to make it look nice? Yes that is a blanket we hung up at the window :(

Joey and I went to the library and picked up our first 15 books to read. One of them is more of a chapter book (didn't realize that when I picked it, I just liked that it is by Julie (Andrews) Edwards). So those will be located on the shelves unless we are using them. Need to gather up all the rest of his books and put them up as well.

We went to Target and looked at all the awesome Toy Story 3 toys. OMG they are going to make a mint off us this year. My boys are all in LOVE LOVE LOVE with Toy Story! My favorites for them so far are: Woody and Buzz, the Bucket O Soldiers, the gift set is awesome and totally worth the money too (well not now after I just read the reviews!) Totally love this Woody and Buzz Rocket and there is a Mr. Potato Head that they don't have on their site. It acutally will fall apart (shooting out the parts) like in the movies!!

I want to do the bedding to. I'll have to get 2 Toddler sets and one Twin. I love little kids blankets too so gotta get the matching blanket. There's more that I'd love to get but not necessary. Totally want the waste basket and if only I had room for this or this (not to mention the funds!) LOL

I've not come across any before pictures yet but just took some (thank God for flash) of in progress. That's the table and chairs, easel and organizer drawers all in that corner. The easel is going to be moved I think and we're going to hang my big white board off the bottom of the shelf tracks. If that doesn't work then it will go low there on the blue wall and just above that will be the letters boarder. There's a Diego folding chair there between the organizer and easel for when all 3 are in there. Then to show you just how small this room is (and it's the biggest of the two kids rooms, here is my big guy sleeping and Jonny too! How fun that none of the furniture matches. That dark chest of drawers is over 38yrs old. It was part of MY baby furniture set. The dresser is in the hugely messy closet. I'll take that picture when I clean it up a bit.

The BIG boys

When I was younger I remember hearing or being told (probably by my mom) that you should not criticize your husband. If you do, it gives them the excuse to not do it at all because, "well I don't do it right anyway!" frame of mind comes in to play. I took that to heart and never criticized the BIG boy. When he'd do the dishes and put away half of them not yet clean I'd just take those out and rewashed them. Told myself, at least he got 1/2 clean, better than nothing. When he'd wash clothes and leave them in the wash for days to get smelly from mildew I'd just add more soap and rewash, at least they were in the wash already. When he'd leave crumbs all over the counter and table I'd just clean it up, at least he fed the kids something.

Eight year later, it's gotten really old!!!!

Growing up I didn't have a bread board, my gram did and I loved it but apparently they stopped putting those in before or around the mid/late 70's when my parents built our house. I so LOVE that I have one but did you know that they're not enclosed? Nope, they're not. If you use the board and leave food/crumbs on the top of it and push it in dirty that stuff just falls into the drawers/cabinets underneath! So I always have "crumby" silverware!! Because of this I always grab one of my flexable plastic cutting boards so then if I need to shove in the bread board I just have to move the cutting board elsewhere and voila, no crumb mess! It's easier to clean too.

Yesterday I went to go make us some tuna salad and the kitchen is destroyed. I have a very small kitchen and it literally takes like 5 dishes and a few odds and ends to make it look like I've not cleaned in a year! My bread board is covered in formerly wet and now dried oatmeal square cereal that he had fed to the boys for breakfast. I lost it!

My sinks were full of dishes and I always try to rinse the dishes and put them in the left sink so then when I go to load the dish washer I just have to load and it takes 5 mins not rinse and load which takes an additional 15mins. I go to rinse his and the kids dishes and they're covered in coffee grounds (I do NOT drink coffee) and grease from the dishes that didn't get rinsed the night before and are nasty as hell. The sink is plugged up so the water is rising as I'm rinsing and let me tell you, those wet broken up oatmeal squares covered in grease and coffee grounds up to my elbows are DISGUSTING!! :(

As my mom likes to say, he wasn't raised he was jerked up by the hair on his head. How do you train this without being the nagging witch?

Loved this one first

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Love this

I was just wasting what should be my sleep time, reading some blogs of friends and some from their friends too. I came across this and just loved it! Now lets see if I can figure out how to put it on MY blog too! LOL I need some blogger lessons. Text and pic, that's about all I I'm getting old :(

Big Boys

My boys have always been very destructive. I thought at first that it was just how kids were but I think mine are a bit more than the usual. Those email's we get with kids getting into trouble (ie. a carton of eggs/shells all over the floor or the naked boy covered with panty liners) are what I deal with on a usual basis. I don't seem to know how to teach my boys not to destroy things and have had to just take those types of things away. There's always something else they find but I learn what not to give them on a regular basis.

For this reason the kids rooms are very bare. We tried to decorate Joey/Joshy's room last summer/fall with posters and glow in the dark stickers etc. It lasted all of a few days before they tore it all down and destroyed it. I was crushed as was daddy.

But now I NEED to get Joey's room made up so that he can do what he needs to to learn. He needs to have access to markers and crayons, paper and glue and I need to trust that he can use them 99% of the time (at least) properly. I have workbooks and flash cards that I want him to use to learn his letters and spelling. He can't use them or learn from them if they're locked up in my closet.

So I had a talk with Joey and advised him we're going to make him a big boy room again (twin bed instead of toddler bed too) and a place for doing school work. He LOVES doing homework, he needs a place to do it. I told him what I expect of him and his punishment if he destroys it or anything with it. He gets the room stripped once again back to a baby room and I won't make him a room again. I think he understands.

Yesterday we took down his toddler bed and put up the twin. We moved Jackson out and into Joshy's room. Moved a chest of drawers into Joshy's room and rearrainged the furniture in both rooms. We added to Joey's room the Disney Car's wooden table and chairs that he/Joshy got for Christmas, a plastic drawers organizer and his art easel. I have a large magnetic white board that will be hung and so far (plan to get more) I have a boarder like they put up in classrooms with the alphabet to hang as well.

I filled up the drawers with "WASHABLE" markers, water color paint (with smock) and crayons, a glue stick and scissors and construction paper. Flashcards, magnetic plastic letters and workbooks. Again, reminding him of the punishment if he doesn't use this stuff correctly. I even told him, you want to make a picture with your markers you ask "mommy I want to use my markers, what can I draw on?" In case he's not quite sure.

They all are napping right now, when they wake we're going to pick up some shelves to put up on the walls and magnet strips so I can hang his art and good papers.

I make a list on the library website of over 500 books we're going to work on reading (as many as possible this summer) and teaching him to read! I ordered 15 of them and as soon as they are in I will go pick them up. I printed up 3 webpages of that list (8 printed pages for each webpage) and put that into a binder so we can keep track of what books we read. Once I get it all done I'll take some pictures but for now lets see what I can find as to how it was set up before...
Well here an example of the destruction... Joey and Joshy found an old bag of flour that daddy was throwing away. They took it out of the trash and proceeded to do this... to the basement.

I'll have to look elsewhere to find a before bedroom picture, I can't seem to find it now and kiddos are waking up.
To Be Continued...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jackson's almost surgery

My unhappy/hungry baby pre-op

Last night we packed up and went to my mom's for the night since she lives closer to the hospital than we do and was going to watch the boys for us while we were with Jack. It was a long day packing up the 6 of us just for a night and then maybe longer just in case something went wrong...

I was feeding Jackson some solids as he couldn't have solids past midnight, no more brst milk after 1:30am....

He ate like a trooper, he was HUNGRY, I made sure of it :) Gave him some cereal (oatmeal with fruit by Beechnut) and some 2nd foods (apple, banana and pears).

I nursed him when he was done and he fell asleep. About an hour and a half later he woke up vomiting his cereal all over the place. This exact same thing happened 2.5 weeks ago, the last time he had that same cereal!!

He was then up for about 4hrs vomiting from larger amounts down to like phlem. Twice there was blood in it and I was getting very nervous. He was whiter than a ghost, even his ears where white. He'd fall asleep with is eye lids half open still.

I called the neuro resident on call at the hospital and he said it didn't sound like a virus from what I was telling him and to go ahead and bring him in for the surgery and it will be the anesthesiologist who ultimately determines if the surgery will proceed or not.

After he had the blood I called the pediatrician on call for our pedi to see if maybe I should be taking him to the ER but she never called me back (more on that...)

So we all got to bed about 3am and slept though the alarm. Jim woke on his own at 5:20am. We were supposed to be there at 6am and it was about 20mins away.

We would have just made it or been just a tiny bit late but Jim went to start up/warm up the car and for some reason it locked on him and he had to work to break into it!! We left as soon as he got back into it and we were 30mins late but no big deal.

The PA came in and felt the cyst and marked it with a regular pen then felt it again and accidentally (unknowingly) rubbed the marking away. They gave him some versed to calm him down since he was starving (having thrown up everything and not eaten since 9:30pm!) He was a very unhappy little baby and finally the versed kicked in. It was so funny, you could see he was loopy!! He was sticking out his tongue weirdly and trying to rip off my face! LOL I felt so badly for him but it was really funny and I was so glad he seemed to be more comfortable.

We walked down to the surgery holding area and the anesthesilogist(s) came in and were ok with going forward with the surgery but they wanted the PA to come back and remark the cyst. We waited forever and when he finally got there he said he wanted the neurologist to come in and see/feel the cyst that it was much smaller than when I first brought him in and she might not want to do the surgery.

We waited a while for her to show up and in that time the versed was wearing off but it was too early to give him more so he was once again a very unhappy little baby!

Dr. Lee felt it and stated she thought it had popped on its own and it was unlikely that it would come back. The remainder of it would absorb into his body and we'd be done with it.

I did tell them I'd mentioned it to our pedi (about it being smaller) and she felt that it would just grow/shrink/grow/shrink and drive us nuts. The neuro said not with a dermoid cyst as it's not fluid filled. It's like a bunch of dead skin cells that get encapsulated, the capsule popped and the cells will just dissolve. No fluid to play games with us.

So they said I could feed him and were going to take us back up to the original pre-op area where it would be more private. So we started to walk that way and he was just screaming his little head off so I did what any good mommy would do and just popped the boobie in his mouth and let him eat while we walked to the room. Oh boy was he HAPPY!

I called my mom to let her know what was going on and she was on the phone with the doctor and I was to call her back...??? She called me back like 10mins later and told me it was that pediatrician whom finally had called back at like 8am! The pedi at first blamed the answering service then admitted she had her pager on silent! Uggg!! I'm going to be letting Dr. Jenny about that one for sure. The pedi stated that she thought it was an allergy and when she found out what it was (the cereal and type it was) she was not happy that it might be a wheat allergy ( I hear you loud and clear on that one doc!) and that if I want to bring him in later she'd see him. Um, no, you're not my pedi and you're not responsible enough to make sure your pager is on when you're on call!

So, they made us stay for another hour, as they wanted to watch him for 2hrs after administering the versed and then as soon as that hour was over we were out of there.

We went out for breakfast and then back to my mom's. Packed up our stuff and our kids minus Joey and his stuff and came home. Joey is spending the night and quite possibly tomorrow night as well with grandma.

We got home and we all took a nice long nap... The boys are all sleeping now and I'm going to head to bed in about 15mins! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I've got 32 hours before my baby has to check into Children's hospital for surgery. He's having a dermoid cyst removed from his left temple. The time between scheduling this surgery to now has flown by. I'm not ready. He is ready though, he's much more healthy now than he was before as we've fixed this feeding issue we were having and he's finally gained some good weight.

We all are going to be spending the night at my mom's tomorrow night. She's closer to the hospital than we are and we have to be there at 6:30am. Then the kids won't be disturbed so early and are already there for her to watch while Jim and I are at the hospital.

It's an outpatient procedure. The surgery is supposed to last all of 10mins or so then they will want to observe him for a while so we should be home by early afternoon I imagine. I'll post pictures before and after...