Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last day of summer/Last day of life as I know it

I don't know how to begin to explain how I'm feeling. My baby, my first born baby, starts school tomorrow. He's going to a full day Kindergarten. I have to drop him off before 8am and pick him up at 2pm. I will be dropping him off and picking him up (and subsequently his brothers as well) over the next 15yrs, 5 days a week, Sept-June!

Tonight is his open house.

I'm so excited and yet I have knots in my stomach. I'm not ready to let my baby be away from me all day long while at the same time I'm looking forward to the break it gives me during the day and the schedule it will force me into. I'm praying the schedule will make all our lives easier and better all around.

Josh's open house was yesterday. We got to see his classroom and clarify a misconception I had. They told me they had an integrated 4K classroom and I thought that meant that if the 4yr olds in the 4K needed services it was available to them. I didn't realize that the EC class and the 4K were in the same classroom! Basically then the 3's are in 4K also! I'm so excited about that, that Josh will be around the 4K type of environment!  He also has a friend in his class. They are playing soccer together on Saturday as well this fall. I really liked the first impression of this school over the one that Joey went to. It sure makes a difference when a building is built in the 20th or 21st century!! Dark and dreary versus light and airy. Josh starts on Friday and goes 4 days a week for 3hrs. I'm not quite as nervous about him maybe because I've done the preschool before?

Jackson, my baby Jackson. He's so tiny at 10mos old. He's more like a 3 or 4 month old still. But he's emerging as a toddler. He's sitting up by himself and crawling on hands and knees and.... pulling himself to standing as well! He learned all this is just a month and a half's time from starting PT with him. He was, I guess, just slow to get started.

He's still not gaining weight but I think we're going to be turning that around now as well. He finally took a bottle of formula from me yesterday. He has been nursing horribly recently and yesterday I noticed he didn't have wet diapers so I made him 4oz and put it in a bottle as I couldn't find his sippy cup. He took it without much persuasion. I made 8oz more and he took 2oz of that and the other 6oz for dinner. He slept though the night with a full tummy too. I will continue to nurse in the mornings and once more though the day but he NEEDS that formula to gain weight. He is 10mos old and 14lbs 2oz wearing 3-6mos clothes. Length is better in some 6mos sizes but he's so skinny, too skinny in the waist for them.

My Jon is my only constant right now. No huge changes with him other than his speech/vocabulary is coming along nicely. He's expressing his needs much more often in words and oh he can be so compliant I love it! Frequently I hear "All right" out of him. So much better than the usual "NO" you get at this age! LOL Not that he always listens but he's a very good boy most of the time. The screaming he does is going to kill his father but other than that and some spitting issues he's a great kid!

I'll have pictures soon.... (gotta find my camera as usual)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Safety School Video

Joey demonstrating stop/drop/roll for Officer Friendly at the graduation demonstration. 

misc pictures

Jonny insisted on peeing in the toilet. He didn't go (I think he went in his diaper first then asked to sit on the toilet) but he sat on the toilet and that's a huge accomplishment as he's always been afraid of it!

 Moldy feet? Sure looks like it doesn't it? Nope, it's marker????? Don't ask, I've not a clue!  LOL

Where's Jonny??
There he is!
Joey and Jack at Grandma's house.. when Jack was doing his first clapping.
Strange position to fall asleep in. Must be tired from all that sitting up he was doing earlier!
 Enjoying the jump house at daddy's reserves family picnic.
Joey and Officer Friendly (Walsh). Joey was graduating from his week in safely school.
Jackson's first self feed. He ate almost the entire can of Campbell's condensed chicken noodle soup! He loved it!

Cracking the whip

I started taking a parenting class a few weeks ago. I saw a flyer for it and called to inquire. It's technically the class one would take when the courts order it so you can keep your kids or get them back. I told the woman why I was wanting to take it and she said it could do me a lot of good so come on in and give it a try!

The reason I wanted to take it was Joshy was  kicking my rear on a daily basis with his bad behavior. It seemed like nothing I did for discipline worked. He would literally come off a time out and go immediately back to what he was put on time out for!

At the first class we had to take an assessment. Wow, what validation I received! The 2nd class, after she'd scored the assessment she told me that I tested better than any other person she's ever tested, even better than her own score (she's like Carol Brady, three hers, three his for a total of 6 in the household). Boy did that make me feel good.

The next class we had to hand in homework, the family rules. I made mine more for the adults to be able to follow. It gives the rule, how many warnings they may or may not receive, the discipline and restitution. She shared it with the class as to how excellent it is (though not kid friendly) to help keep us consistent. I've always said our problem is lack of consistency. While discussing this she told the class that I am a really good parent, I know what I'm doing and what needs to be done. My problem is that I've been inconsistent and I know it. Once I get consistent, things will fall into place. Wow, what a great feeling. I might add that this is a small class and all but one person is there on their own accord for reasons such as my own (wanting to better themselves as parents and/or get ideas on how to handle a situation that is not getting better).

Anyway, last week I was cleaning the house and after I cleaned a huge mess of dirty out of the bathroom (they play in the dirt then get it all over the bathroom when they go to wash their hands/face) they messed it up again with dirt and water all over the floor. They took out all my towels and wash clothes from the cabinet and had them all over the dirty wet floor.

They were made to clean it all up, all three of them and then go on their time outs. I took pictures of my slave labor :)  LOL

Jackson update

It's amazing how often you can ask for help and just as you say it or they arrive, you don't need it anymore!! Jackson was ordered physical therapy for his low muscle tone that we knew was due to his small size and low nutrition. I called early intervention to set this up back in June and all in all it took about 2 months for his first true appt with Angie, his PT. His goals that were set up were to be able to sit without assistance. He turned 9 months and still was not sitting unsupported and his time sitting with support was limited. He is to get on his hands with straight arms, knees and crawl. He is to pull to standing and take a few step unassisted and more steps while holding onto someone's hands.

Angie seems to be a magical wand as every time she has come over, he does something he hasn't done before!!

Yesterday was his first appt. Already he is sitting up by himself, clapping his hands, he's not crawling but both arms are extended now and he's getting up and rocking on his knees. He's also attempting to pull himself to standing!! Angie was impressed, way to go Jacky!!!

Can we all just say a collective OMG?!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sonquest Rainforest VBS

Last Sunday I was checking the message board on my playgroup and saw that vacation bible school was starting in the morning at a local Baptist church and no pre-registration was required so just stop on by. It's from 3yrs - 6th grade. I was psyched that Joshy could go so that next morning, we were up, dressed, fed and to the church by 9am. It was a huge hit! The boys loved it. Wednesday was a little rough on Josh for some reason. He didn't want to leave home, then didn't want to get out of the car and then didn't want to go into the building. I dropped him off into his room and he screamed for less than 15mins and was fine the rest of the time and for the final 2 days. For him we called it school and that in itself I think did the trick.

Tonight was their end of the week program. My mom and sister came down to see the kids perform and oh man, they both did GREAT! I have video of their performances. The end song was all the kids K-6th grade but I had Josh go up too. Every day I'd pick up Josh first then go into the church where all the rest of the kids (K-6th) were practicing their songs...Joshy picked up on it and loved it so he was able to join the bigger kids and I think he did amazing given his age and limited exposure to the song/movements :) To see the lyrics and original movements you can click here The original recording of the songs are here

Here they are coming into church...

The opening song:

Here's Joshy's song

Here's Joey's song

The grand finale both boys...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer is fast coming to an end

July was hectic to say the least. Every day there was something going on with Joey and during the week of the 12th it was two things every day. It was tiring and I'm glad it's over, but I miss it too. I'm sad that we've only got a month and a few days before school starts and my life changes forever. It will never be the same once Joey starts all day kindergarten.

In a couple weeks I'm going to have to start getting up about the same time as hubby leaves for work in the morning, 5-5:30am. At that time I can have some quiet time to myself, shower and get dressed for the day. Make Joey's lunch and start breakfast for the boys. Get Joey up by 6:30am, fed, showered and dressed. The other boys up around the same time and at least diapers changed and get them dressed appropriately for taking Joey to school. They can eat with Joey or when we get home, doesn't really matter.

Joey's dropped off at school before 8am then we come home. My time now to clean, do laundry, get the kids dressed that aren't already, get Josh ready for school, serve lunch, get Josh on the bus. Wednesdays Josh is home all day and Joey is home at 11:30am or 2pm depending on school's schedule. Tuesday we have PT for Jackson, Thursdays ST for Jon and Jackson. Friday morning grandma comes to care for Jackson and Josh in the morning while Jon and I go to Mommy and Me preschool. Joey is then picked up at 3pm and Josh gets home, on the bus, at some time around 3:20pm I'm guessing.

The days that my bff has to work I will also be bringing her daughter home with me so I'll have 5 kids for awhile. On Tuesdays she's going to come home with me and then she and Joey will be going to swimming class. Wednesdays though September only I have a class from 3:30pm-5pm. I don't have a clue how that's going to work? Joey wants to play soccer again this fall. Gotta find him a team (probably the YMCA).

I'm just exhausted thinking about it all and yet excited to have a schedule to run my life. I'm praying that this schedule will be only for the good for all of us.

Until then we just have to enjoy the great weather when we can. I'm not complaining, I love the heat over cold any day. However, the humidity here has been atrocious. The kids are red and sweaty after only 15-30mins of play some days. I can't breath outside!  LOL I am not looking forward to winter. I think the driving the kids to and from school in the winter is going to be a nightmare but I am looking for a slight cool down, at least in the humidity.

At Jackson's 9 month well baby check up he was .... 13lbs 8oz and 25" long. I have a very old 4 month old! He's healthy though, just needs to bulk up the weight and we're using solids (no teeth) to do that. Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron too, she's sure he's anemic. Nothing serious though thank you God.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Preschool and glasses!!!!

I just have to start with an OMG... what a week and it's only Tuesday!!!

Yesterday morning was nothing but then at 12:30pm I had to pick up BFF's daughter and take her and Joey to safety school by 1pm. Came home then picked up Joey and Kasia at 3pm. Stopped at Walmart to price check SpaceBags then home. Got Kasia ready for ballet and dropped her off there at 4pm. Came home, searched high and low for Joey's T-ball tee shirt then got him dinner and to T-ball before 6pm. Met up with BFF and Kasia, kept Kasia while Bff went to Pilates. Watched Joey's T-ball game then BFF picked up Kasia and we went home. Got the kids into bed and I read a couple chapters before falling asleep about 9:30pm.

Jim woke me this morning to tell me he was leaving early so the kids won't hear him and wake up, so I can sleep in. I couldn't sleep in though, had to get up and get out the door before 8am as Joey had school. Jon woke up under the weather so I gave him some Motrin since I don't have time for a sick kid and proceeded to vomit it as he was going to the table to eat breakfast! Got Joey to school about a minute late. Lucky for me the principal and another teacher?? were still out there waiting on stragglers so I didn't have to get everyone out of the car and walk him in. I got home after dropping him off and cleaned up the house a little. Bff got here at 9:20, I finished cleaning some then took Jon and Josh to pick up Joey and the 3 of us went to the evaluation for Josh. He has a speech articulation problem and I was getting him tested for speech therapy. After the initial interview I was told his bad behavior might not just be terrible 2's and horrible 3's so they brought in the school psychologist too.Turns out he is a very bright little boy (figured he was probably bored and NEEDED school for stimulation!) His speech tested within normal limits for his age but his articulation was delayed. The ST who did the eval was Joey's ST when he was in Early Childhood. She said it's funny how all Josh's artic problems are the same ones that Joey had. I had told them that initially, that he picked up Joey's bad habits and wasn't correcting. While he was working with the ST and EC specialists I went off with the school psychologist and discussed his behavior issues. Turns out his behavior is NOT normal 2-3yr old stuff and more than qualified him for the EC program. This is GREAT news because now he can go to school 4 days a week and get help in dealing with his anger/behavior issues instead of me sending him to private preschool that won't tolerate his behavior and is only 2 days a week. One major issue though is it's the afternoon class and he's out of school at 3pm (so is Joey!) Great thing is the school he's going to has an integrated 4K program so if he still needs services next year he can go to their 4K program AND get the services he needs. If he only needs speech then they can do that at what will be his regular school in their 4K program!

After the evaluation I was supposed to pick up BFF, Kasia and Jackson and take Joey to get his glasses. However, the eval took two hours instead of one so we didn't have time for that. We all got lunch then dropped Joey and Kasia off at Safety school. I went home, let Jon nap until we had to pile back into the car to pick up Joey. After getting Joey we went up to pick up his glasses!!

OMG he's so happy and so excited about them. As soon as we got into the place he went up to these two older ladies who were customers sitting with a sales person and told them all that he was there to pick up his glasses! LOL Here he is trying them on... Josh is tired, I had to wake him to bring him in with us.

So proud of my big guy!!
So tired after his very long couple of days!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Inadvertent trouble

Joey and Josh are by far my biggest climbers. They have no fear. Ok, well Joshy does until he's comfortable with his surrounds and/or ability then he's fearless. One of their worst things right now is the back yard. We have a 6' privacy fence around all of it except for the deck area. They started to squeeze though the posts on the deck (Bosco was too!) so I used screen and wove it around the posts. That worked just fine until this year. they started to pull the screen off and we used plywood and just nailed it up. No squeezing though a solid piece of plywood! Then, since that was now useless to fight they got really brave. The opposite end of the deck has a bench seat built into it. They climb onto the bench and just climb over the railing using the bench for footing, then the deck floor is the next step then the landscaping is freedom! It's a major PITA and daddy needs to rig something up to put a stop to it...

Today things went really wrong. I went outside and yelled for Joshy to get back inside the yard. He starts climbing up the deck, gets to the bench seat and is screaming, holding on for dear life and trying to protect his face... yelling at the bugs to leave him alone. I take a closer look and he's being swarmed by wasps! I surmise from him that he was stung in or on the eye and it's hurting him unbelievably. I run over to him and with all my adrenaline lift him over and away from the wasps. Yell for Jim to grab Jon and get him into the house as well. I noticed at some point they had a nest above my bedroom window on the soffit.

Now I'm scared. Did they get him in the eye or just on it and even on it, is it dangerous? Do I need to take him into the hospital (it's 6pm) or do I just call the on call pediatrician? I finally get him to let me look and see a mark on the middle of his eyelid and it's starting to swell. Jim got me some ice and a cold wet rag and I get Josh to put that on his eye while I call the pedi. He tells me no need to take him in, nothing they can do that I can't at home. Give him Benedryl for the swelling/reaction, Tylenol or Motrin for the pain and cold compress. He said it will swell up big and fast then go down fast too.

It did swell for sure but not as big as I'd feared it would. He could still open and use his eye thank God! I think he got stung on the forearm as well. He said it hurt and there was a mark there just like the one on his eye but it didn't swell at all. He took his medicine well and held that ice on for a good long while. Now I hope after a good nights sleep he will be good as new in the morning.
That's the worse it got all night. I sure hope it's not swollen shut in the morning or anything!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

We don't usually do a whole lot for the 4th. Having a husband with PTSD as severe as Jim's is makes it difficult to enjoy. This year however I got the kids some Pop-its (those things you throw on the ground and they make a noise) Jim said they didn't bother him and the 3 older boys LOVED them! I got them some sparklers too but we've not broken them out yet (7/7) as they've been in bed way before dark!! I also took Joey to the fireworks display here in town. I was going to take Joshy as well but that one fell asleep on the couch around 6:30 and slept though the night.

Joey and I had a great time. The trolley is free and it takes you down to the beach. They light the fireworks over Lake Michigan. We missed the trolley, waited around for a bit then started walking. The trolley caught up to us just as we got to the park we were going to sit at to view the fireworks! Joey was so excited about the trolley that he opted to stop sitting and walk to the trolley so we wouldn't miss it. The driver was nice enough to let us watch the display from inside the trolley so we had great seats and no rush.

The idiots in his town just amaze me. Getting the trolley to actually move on the track was ridiculous as the people were pulling out in front of it, stopping on the tracks. It was just, RIDICULOUS, that's the best I can come up with.

All in all we had a good time and I'm looking forward to taking Joshy with us next year. This will be a mommy and the boys thing unless and until Jim can handle it and join us.

Miscellaneous pictures

Daddy in his usual position when he's home. I think Joey "caught him here!"
  Jonny loves to be on top of the camera to get his picture taken

Joshy being the baby. He loved these type of things when he was a baby. Guess he's not grown up yet LOL
Jackson's first attempt at real finger foods. He ate almost the entire can of Campbells Condensed Chicken Noodle soup sans the chicken.
No mommy, don't take my picture, take ME! That's what my baby looks like every time he sees me and isn't in my arms already!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bittersweet, always confusing

My day actually started yesterday. I couldn't remember if it was June 30 or July 1st. I didn't want to get up if it was July 1st. I was so relieved when it was June 30 but then spent the day not wanting the day to end. July 1st was my Auntie Patty's birthday and she's not here this year to celebrate her 70th. As I was driving home tonight I couldn't stop thinking about her because I was driving home from close to where she'd lived. I started to talk to her about just everything I was thinking. How grateful I am that she's in peace and no longer in pain. How angry I am that she was taken from us way too soon. I don't regret (as if I had a choice) that she got sick. Her getting sick made my mom get off her rear and get her skin cancer treated finally. Her illness got me and her granddaughter back on the right track together again. We'd not spoken for a number of years but now we're good and I thank Patty and God for that! I just wish beyond any hope that she'd gotten sick then healed!! You know?!

I truly think about her every single day. I never would have thought I would. It amazes me how much I think about her and thought about her and didn't realize it. I took for granted that she was here. I now notice how much I thought about her as she's no longer with us and it hurts so much. She could be a pain in the ass with her opinions on things but you know, at some point, eventually, I think she was right about everything! She was always giving her unsolicited advice to me and as much as I may not have wanted to hear it I always knew it was with and because of love! I miss her love. I was telling her too that I wish I had the faith to really believe that she knew herself, her past, her loved ones and was watching us and knowing how much she was loved and missed. That one day we all will be reunited again with each other and Jesus. I have faith in being with Jesus, I don't have faith that I'll "know" who I was and who you were to me. I so want to believe we are in peace with loved ones in heaven.

The other part of my bittersweet. I took Joey into the eye doctor tonight as he'd been complaining about not being able to see at a distance. I had the pediatrician check him out at his 5yr old well check and we couldn't tell if he couldn't see or just didn't test well. (see previous Eye Sight post)

My friend Kela referred us to America's Best. I think it's new to our area. I found a place up in Oak Creek. I was a little leery about how they'd do taking care of kids but was assured by Kela whom lives in SC and our friend Nikki from CO that they took care of a lot of kids and were good. They have awesome prices which is why I wanted to go there. We have vision insurance on Jim and I only. Who would have thought we'd need it for the kids so soon?! I sure didn't so I saved us a measly few bucks to not add the kids onto it. What a mistake!!

So, my decision was I'd take him to this place for now and then in January when I get him onto the vision plan I'll take him to a pedi ophthalmologist to get a recheck. Turns out that Joey has a moderate astigmatism. This optometrist was very nice and really made me feel better about taking him to her. She told me he can see but he's blurry with the astigmatism. I can get him glasses or wait it out but either way I should probably take him in to a pedi ophthalmologist to get it double checked since they have tests that she doesn't! She believes what Joey told her and that he did a decent job with my help but being only 5yrs old they'd have better equipment to get a more concrete "diagnosis" on him. I told her about the insurance issue and asked if I got him the glasses now is it ok to wait until January to get him into the ophthalmologist? She said absolutely. I don't "have" to get him glasses now even since he can see but she'd advise it and if the ophthalmologist give him a different prescription then we can just change his lenses and it would fall under the warranty so it would be free!

So that is what we did. He got 2 pairs of glasses plus the extended warranty on them for $84.95 and the exam was free! I don't remember exactly what she said but I think he's got 40/20 vision in one eye and 60/20 vision in the other and both are correctable to 20/20 with the glasses. He will need to wear the glasses all the time. He picked them both out with my help of course. He got one "nice" pair and one "fun" pair. He looks adorable in them both! He was excited to get them... I hope that carries over into wearing them as well. LOL

The bittersweet part is while glasses are by no means the end of the world, it's just another thing for kids at school to use to pick with. I am such a basket case not wanting my boys to experience the childhood I did with all the bullies I went to school with. I work so hard to keep them thin without making food an issue. I do NOT want them a part of the clean plate club. No one in my family who is a part of the clean plate club is thin! I want them to be able to walk away from food but at the same time it's so hard to get toddlers and preschoolers to eat anything. *sigh* At the same time, just one more thing for me to worry about. Where are they, are they safe. Keeping the younger boys from destroying them is going to be the end of me. I'm going to have to break some butts the first time they even attempt to abuse Joey's glasses.

I think, Auntie Patty would have some good advice for me or some calm reassuring words. I wish I could her them, whatever they are.

His glasses will be in in about 7-10 business days. They will call ... I will post pictures :)

I love you Auntie Patty, miss you every day.
I love you Joey, you are such a big boy and so darn cute in the glasses you picked out!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Joey is going to be the death of me!!

Last night Jim and I got to go on a date night. My MIL came over and watched the 4 boys (we got them all to bed before we left). We went to Applebee's for dinner then saw Jonah Hex at the movie theater.

We got home about 11:45pm, MIL told us that Josh and Jon played in their room for a bit and got quiet around 8pm. Joey was a little worse, calling for me and not wanting to go to sleep.

This was strange because that boy left the house about 9am yesterday to go to his friends for a birthday party and was there until 5pm in the evening! He was exhausted. He fell asleep in his dinner chair but after I put him in bed he woke back up.... must have gotten a 2nd wind with is 15min nap.

So DH and I go to bed. About 2am Jackson wakes up and needs to eat (totally expected that). I go in to get him and I always look at Joey to see that he's ok and where is he sleeping. He will sleep on the floor, under the crib etc.

He was MISSING! I'm feeling around all over and can't find him. I flip on the light and his comforter is gone and his window is open. I go out to the living room and check the couch, he's not there. Jim kinda sat up and I told him to get up NOW and that I can't find Joey. He jumps out of bed and we've got all the lights on. He's looking all over the house and I'm looking all over outside and calling him without waking the neighborhood and yet not caring so much either.

I go in the house and grab the cell, I'm in a panic now that I've never known before and this kid has given me plenty of scares in the past. I'm going to go check at the neighbors house (his friend) and if he's not there then I'm calling 911.

I walk in the back and see that the dad is sleeping in the all season room (saw him flip over) so I knock on the door. He gets up and I ask is Joey there? He's like yes, he's asleep on the couch!

OMG are you f'ing kidding me?? He invites me in and the mom gets up and is like, what's going on. He tells her that I didn't know Joey was there. They're both horrified at my not knowing. Telling me that the daughter (6yrs old) told them that Joey can sleep over and there he was in his PJ's and with his blanket.

I find him on their couch sound asleep. I picked him up and they apologized and I took him home.

I can't believe they would allow a 5yr old to just sleep over without talking to his mother directly!!!!

I got him home and to bed without him really stirring.

I then was awake for a long time. I think I was having a stress induced asthma attack and was debating for a long time whether to go to the hospital or not for a breathing treatment. I haven't used an inhaler since I was pregnant with Joey! He cured by asthma and now maybe he's brought it back again?

This morning he climbs into bed with me and tells me matter of factly that he slept over at his friends house (he's been begging me for a sleepover with them the past few days). I tried to talk to him about how he got there, when he left the house and did he go though the window which is a little widow up high. He had to climb onto the baby's closed changing table/ dresser to get to the window and it's at least a 6ft drop.... Or did MIL go to the bathroom or fall asleep in the living room and he just walked right though the front door without her knowing? I'll have to find out what time he showed up.

I had heard "something" when I was trying to fall asleep but couldn't figure out what the noise was so I dismissed it. If that was him then he did go out that window, there's no way he could get out the front door once we were home.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Eye sight?

A few weeks back Joey and I were laying on his bed doing flash cards. He appeared to be doing just fine then stated he couldn't see. I was holding them with the ceiling light behind them so I thought maybe the light was bothering him but when I readjusted them so the wall was behind instead, he said he still could not see. He took the card and held it right up to his face like daddy does when he's trying to read without his glasses.

Yesterday he had his 5yr old check up. He's a healthy kid, 39lbs and 41". He got 3 shots, MMR, DTaP and Polio. We did an eye exam... he failed miserably. However, neither I nor the nurse could tell if he really couldn't see the pictures (house, apple, umbrella) or he just didn't test well.

Now I have to take him to an eye doctor for an eye exam :( Not the end of the world, I was just hoping the kids would get MY sight. I can see the birds above the clouds according to my husband! LOL

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 years ago today

I became a mom to a beautiful healthy little miracle. I didn't take this day for granted, oh NO. I worked long and hard to have this miracle in my arms and yet not anywhere near long and hard as some of my friends have/had to. My Joey *sigh* you just can't help but love this kid! He is amazing, truly amazing. He's sharp as a tack and sly as a fox. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and the most outgoing loving little boy that I've ever met! He so loves to help and learn new things. He's a wonderful big brother and Velcro to mommy's hip! His smile brightens the gloomy days while his mischievousness makes you want to strangle him!

We had his party May 1st because daddy wasn't supposed to be in town. We got lucky that daddy is in town so he had a very nice birthday, on his day, with his family. Daddy baked him a cookie cake and mommy spoiled him rotten with his Toy Story presents. His favorite restaurant is Red Robin so we went there for his birthday dinner.

After dinner I took him and baby Jack to Target. Joey had a $15 gift card from one of his school buddies who attended the party. I told Joey he could use it and made some suggestions. I am so proud of him. What he ultimately chose and was happy with was an extra set of sheets for his bed so when his sheets are dirty he will still have Toy Story sheets on his bed! How practical of him :) This way, what he doesn't know, is when we get him and Joshy bunk beds they both can have the sheets on at the same time! LOL But no I didn't push it, it was a suggestion and he just loved the idea!!

On the way to Target we had a talk too about the rules for turning 5yrs old.

1) No whining or screaming or crying (unless you're truly hurt)

2) Must do as your told by your bosses be it mom, dad, teacher etc.

3) No more destructive behavior. You can still explore and learn new things but do it carefully so as to not break or ruin things.

If these rules aren't followed then you have to go back to being 4 again ;)

He told me he understood and asked me if I'd help him remember those things. I told him "absolutely! That's my job as your mom." He said, "oh thank you mommy!"

Ok I've not figured out how to keep pictures in the order I want them so you'll have to deal with me here :) What we have to start with is, after his first T-ball practice on the 14th, he and daddy made his cookie cake while mommy took care of Jackson (aka getting Joey's bed made and toys set out!









It's as if I have triplets or something. They fight fight fight over the toys and no one is ever happy. They all love Toy Story so much that I broke the credit cards and had to buy some duplicates to stop the fighting. Here is Joey with the Buzz Lightyear that was supposed to be for Joshy when he earned it with good behavior. Didn't quite work out that way. We are now the proud owners of 2 Buzz Lightyears, 2 Woodys, 2 Buckets of Soldiers and one Jessie!! Everyone went to bed happy tonight :)