Yesterday morning was nothing but then at 12:30pm I had to pick up BFF's daughter and take her and Joey to safety school by 1pm. Came home then picked up Joey and Kasia at 3pm. Stopped at Walmart to price check SpaceBags then home. Got Kasia ready for ballet and dropped her off there at 4pm. Came home, searched high and low for Joey's T-ball tee shirt then got him dinner and to T-ball before 6pm. Met up with BFF and Kasia, kept Kasia while Bff went to Pilates. Watched Joey's T-ball game then BFF picked up Kasia and we went home. Got the kids into bed and I read a couple chapters before falling asleep about 9:30pm.
Jim woke me this morning to tell me he was leaving early so the kids won't hear him and wake up, so I can sleep in. I couldn't sleep in though, had to get up and get out the door before 8am as Joey had school. Jon woke up under the weather so I gave him some Motrin since I don't have time for a sick kid and proceeded to vomit it as he was going to the table to eat breakfast! Got Joey to school about a minute late. Lucky for me the principal and another teacher?? were still out there waiting on stragglers so I didn't have to get everyone out of the car and walk him in. I got home after dropping him off and cleaned up the house a little. Bff got here at 9:20, I finished cleaning some then took Jon and Josh to pick up Joey and the 3 of us went to the evaluation for Josh. He has a speech articulation problem and I was getting him tested for speech therapy. After the initial interview I was told his bad behavior might not just be terrible 2's and horrible 3's so they brought in the school psychologist too.Turns out he is a very bright little boy (figured he was probably bored and NEEDED school for stimulation!) His speech tested within normal limits for his age but his articulation was delayed. The ST who did the eval was Joey's ST when he was in Early Childhood. She said it's funny how all Josh's artic problems are the same ones that Joey had. I had told them that initially, that he picked up Joey's bad habits and wasn't correcting. While he was working with the ST and EC specialists I went off with the school psychologist and discussed his behavior issues. Turns out his behavior is NOT normal 2-3yr old stuff and more than qualified him for the EC program. This is GREAT news because now he can go to school 4 days a week and get help in dealing with his anger/behavior issues instead of me sending him to private preschool that won't tolerate his behavior and is only 2 days a week. One major issue though is it's the afternoon class and he's out of school at 3pm (so is Joey!) Great thing is the school he's going to has an integrated 4K program so if he still needs services next year he can go to their 4K program AND get the services he needs. If he only needs speech then they can do that at what will be his regular school in their 4K program!
After the evaluation I was supposed to pick up BFF, Kasia and Jackson and take Joey to get his glasses. However, the eval took two hours instead of one so we didn't have time for that. We all got lunch then dropped Joey and Kasia off at Safety school. I went home, let Jon nap until we had to pile back into the car to pick up Joey. After getting Joey we went up to pick up his glasses!!
OMG he's so happy and so excited about them. As soon as we got into the place he went up to these two older ladies who were customers sitting with a sales person and told them all that he was there to pick up his glasses! LOL Here he is trying them on... Josh is tired, I had to wake him to bring him in with us.
So proud of my big guy!!
So tired after his very long couple of days!!!
Oh my goodness!!! He is so cute in his glasses - love them!! Woman, you are BUSY!!!