Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jackson's almost surgery

My unhappy/hungry baby pre-op

Last night we packed up and went to my mom's for the night since she lives closer to the hospital than we do and was going to watch the boys for us while we were with Jack. It was a long day packing up the 6 of us just for a night and then maybe longer just in case something went wrong...

I was feeding Jackson some solids as he couldn't have solids past midnight, no more brst milk after 1:30am....

He ate like a trooper, he was HUNGRY, I made sure of it :) Gave him some cereal (oatmeal with fruit by Beechnut) and some 2nd foods (apple, banana and pears).

I nursed him when he was done and he fell asleep. About an hour and a half later he woke up vomiting his cereal all over the place. This exact same thing happened 2.5 weeks ago, the last time he had that same cereal!!

He was then up for about 4hrs vomiting from larger amounts down to like phlem. Twice there was blood in it and I was getting very nervous. He was whiter than a ghost, even his ears where white. He'd fall asleep with is eye lids half open still.

I called the neuro resident on call at the hospital and he said it didn't sound like a virus from what I was telling him and to go ahead and bring him in for the surgery and it will be the anesthesiologist who ultimately determines if the surgery will proceed or not.

After he had the blood I called the pediatrician on call for our pedi to see if maybe I should be taking him to the ER but she never called me back (more on that...)

So we all got to bed about 3am and slept though the alarm. Jim woke on his own at 5:20am. We were supposed to be there at 6am and it was about 20mins away.

We would have just made it or been just a tiny bit late but Jim went to start up/warm up the car and for some reason it locked on him and he had to work to break into it!! We left as soon as he got back into it and we were 30mins late but no big deal.

The PA came in and felt the cyst and marked it with a regular pen then felt it again and accidentally (unknowingly) rubbed the marking away. They gave him some versed to calm him down since he was starving (having thrown up everything and not eaten since 9:30pm!) He was a very unhappy little baby and finally the versed kicked in. It was so funny, you could see he was loopy!! He was sticking out his tongue weirdly and trying to rip off my face! LOL I felt so badly for him but it was really funny and I was so glad he seemed to be more comfortable.

We walked down to the surgery holding area and the anesthesilogist(s) came in and were ok with going forward with the surgery but they wanted the PA to come back and remark the cyst. We waited forever and when he finally got there he said he wanted the neurologist to come in and see/feel the cyst that it was much smaller than when I first brought him in and she might not want to do the surgery.

We waited a while for her to show up and in that time the versed was wearing off but it was too early to give him more so he was once again a very unhappy little baby!

Dr. Lee felt it and stated she thought it had popped on its own and it was unlikely that it would come back. The remainder of it would absorb into his body and we'd be done with it.

I did tell them I'd mentioned it to our pedi (about it being smaller) and she felt that it would just grow/shrink/grow/shrink and drive us nuts. The neuro said not with a dermoid cyst as it's not fluid filled. It's like a bunch of dead skin cells that get encapsulated, the capsule popped and the cells will just dissolve. No fluid to play games with us.

So they said I could feed him and were going to take us back up to the original pre-op area where it would be more private. So we started to walk that way and he was just screaming his little head off so I did what any good mommy would do and just popped the boobie in his mouth and let him eat while we walked to the room. Oh boy was he HAPPY!

I called my mom to let her know what was going on and she was on the phone with the doctor and I was to call her back...??? She called me back like 10mins later and told me it was that pediatrician whom finally had called back at like 8am! The pedi at first blamed the answering service then admitted she had her pager on silent! Uggg!! I'm going to be letting Dr. Jenny about that one for sure. The pedi stated that she thought it was an allergy and when she found out what it was (the cereal and type it was) she was not happy that it might be a wheat allergy ( I hear you loud and clear on that one doc!) and that if I want to bring him in later she'd see him. Um, no, you're not my pedi and you're not responsible enough to make sure your pager is on when you're on call!

So, they made us stay for another hour, as they wanted to watch him for 2hrs after administering the versed and then as soon as that hour was over we were out of there.

We went out for breakfast and then back to my mom's. Packed up our stuff and our kids minus Joey and his stuff and came home. Joey is spending the night and quite possibly tomorrow night as well with grandma.

We got home and we all took a nice long nap... The boys are all sleeping now and I'm going to head to bed in about 15mins! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what an adventure! So glad he didn't have to have surgery. Sorry about the puking - poor baby. Hope they figure out what that is from soon!

