Sunday, March 21, 2010

My baby Jacky

is 5 months old today. He’s an amazing little kid. He’s my slowest grower for some reason. I think God has his hand in it, maybe he’s my last and that’s why? With everything that’s been going a mile a minute since his birth he’s still such a little baby to me. My only baby who likes to lay his head down on my shoulder and chill or fall asleep. He did his first roll over the Saturday before he turned 4 mos. The pediatrician said it was because he knew that it was one of the milestone questions that I’d be asked. But he pretty much stopped rolling again until March 17th. It was that day that when I went to get him out of his crib that he was on his tummy!

Tonight I found him playing with his big brother Joshy and he had his feet in his hands so he’s found his feet now. He’s a left handed thumb sucker and loves his special blankie that Auntie Patty gave him at birth. His big brother Jonny has the special blankie from Auntie Patty too and too is a left handed thumb sucker.

We’ve tried solids a few times but he’s not too interested in them. I’m in no rush. To do solids means that much time I’ve got to carve out and focus just on Jacky, that’s not easy in the least bit! The middle two were late at solids are are wonderful eaters. Not picky at all. Joey on the other hand was early with them and is ridiculously picky so maybe it’s all in the timing?

We’ve got a consult with a neurologist this Wednesday. Jacky has what they call a dermoid cyst on his left temple. I noticed it at some point about 2-3 months and brought it up at his 4 month visit. We did a CT scan and it’s looking good so far. It’s not grown into or through the cranium as is feared with these. I’m just afraid that the neurologist is going to want to remove it to be on the safe side which means surgery with general anesthesiology! Scary thought for your infant and yet could be so much worse. Gotta count your blessings always.

Goals for the near future; sitting up, creeping, teething and switching toys from one hand to the other. Wonder if he’ll walk before a year like the other boys did or if he’ll slow that down to stay baby longer?

Here he is with his feet in his mouth
Sitting nicely with his big brother Jon
One of his birth pictures
Where he's found he can put toys and other objects into his own mouth

Trying this again

I've started a few blogs over the years and my life has gotten in the way of me using them as I wish I did/could. So lets see how much easier this is now with 4 boys instead of just one, two or three! LOL Yeah, right...

My heart

is broken right now for the love I’ve lost in my Auntie Patty. She meant the world to me, faults and all and I’ll miss her terribly. She’s not supposed to be gone yet, she’s too young, I’m too young, my boys are too young. I might have another child or two and she won’t be around to meet them. Now that the funeral is over the flood gates have opened and the tears flow freely. You’d think I was all cried out but oh no, not even close yet. I vow to pick myself up at least partly by tomorrow and be an even better mother, wife and family member than I have been. So when I or the next person passes I will have no regrets.
I had one regret with Patty, that I let her make her excuses to not come visit us. I will be able to live with that fact because I did make the effort to go up to her and visit with her. That my quicky trips took an hour or more. Of that’s I’m glad. I love you Man!
Patricia Mae Smith
July 1, 1940-March 15, 2010
This was taken 2/13/2010 one month before she passed. Jackson was 3 months old. He was the only one of my kids who got to see her after she got sick.